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Getting clever with inputs


    An input can be programmed to do much more than just send an SMS message to someone. The input can be programmed to execute any ABN command and thereby manipulate outputs, set timers, send status information and so on.

    An example

    As an example, let us assume that in a simple alarm application we have connected a sensor to input 'J', and a siren to output 'A'.

    What we want to have happen if the sensor is triggered, is firstly a message is sent to the holder of phone number 27835556666 and secondly, the siren is turned on for 5 minutes.

    All that is required to do this is to send one message to the ABN which sets all of this up. The message looks like this:


    Note that this is just the same as any ordinary programming of an input, with the exception of the mysterious '<A6>'. If 'J' is triggered, it will send the message 'ALARM' to 27835556666.

    However, anything that is between 'less than' (<) and 'greater than' (>) signs will be considered to be commands and will not be sent as part of the message.

    The 'A6' command (see "Getting clever with outputs") tells the ABN to switch output 'A' on for 5 minutes and then switch it off again.

    Getting cleverer

    Let's say we also want to open the gate to the rottweiler cage when the sensor is triggered. The gate motor for the rottweiler cage is connected to output 'B'.

    We now reprogram input 'J' with:


    Now, when our unfortunate intruder triggers the sensor, the siren will sound for 5 minutes, the momentary activation of 'B' releases the slavering pack of rottweilers and you are notified by SMS.

    Getting elaborate

    Normally you have your ABN programmed so that a voice call from your phone turns on the hot tub so you can be sure it is warm and bubbly when you get home from a hard day at the office.

    Of course, burglars only break into your house when you are away on holiday in Bermuda, so the following will at least give you a chance to find out more about what is happening at home when you get an 'ALARM' message:


    'VX5556666' will delete any previous voice call commands for your phone (you don't need the hot tub when you are away on holiday). 'VLI5556666' tells the ABN to answer the call if you phone it: see Snooping with the ABN.

    Now, if the alarm is triggered, you will know about it and you can phone your ABN and listen if your rottweilers are doing a good job.